Times Have Changed

For men, luxury watches have always been a symbol of success, but for women, they haven’t always held the same weight. Historically, luxury watches have attempted to appeal to a woman’s desire for delicate elegance, and while that was appropriate for certain generations, times have changed.

The great female leaders and bold thinkers of our time deserve to be recognized for their excellence. An Omega watch goes beyond the appeal of beauty and status, celebrating a woman’s determination, acknowledging her accomplishments, and offering the same undeniable symbol of success with just a glance down at her wrist.

Speaking to modern successful women

Omega will create a series of print and OOH ads depicting powerful women proudly wearing its luxury watches as a testament to their accomplishments and challenging stereotypical gender biases.

Making a bold statement

Taking over some of the world's most iconic clocks like Big Ben, Omega will project a watch band around the clock as a rallying cry to women that luxury watches should be a bold symbol of their success, and give them the recognition they deserve.

The Omega Difference

Omega will go head to head with ads from other luxury watch brands playing OOH ads with a strong message in support of successful women and their accomplishments next to ads that represent women as little more than something to be gazed upon.

It’s her time scholarship

What better way to celebrate successful women than to support them? Omega will create the It’s Her Time Scholarship to fund further education for the great female leaders of tomorrow and send them a custom Omega watch to help them show off their accomplishments.

Co-Copywriter: The Marvelous John Nichols

Art Director: The Fabulous Anna Margarites